Fractional Quality Management

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A Fractional Executive is someone who offers their expertise to a business as a part-time leader, most often brought into an organization to help fill leadership gaps or to leverage their experience/expertise in a new phase of the company’s growth. Fractional Executive roles fall somewhere between being Advisors and Interim Executives. Fractional Executives provide advice but they’re more ‘hands-on’.

 First who, then what?

“Get the right people on the bus” is a concept developed in the book Good to Great. Those who want to build great organizations are told to make sure they have the right people on the bus and the right people in the key seats before they figure out where to drive the bus. Paradigm: always think first about who and then about what. The Author of Good to Great believes that “When facing chaos and uncertainty, because you cannot possibly predict what's coming around the corner, your best ‘strategy’ is to have a busload of people who can adapt to and perform brilliantly no matter what comes next.”

 That seems to make sense until you realize that the high operational cost of having a top-heavy direct/indirect labor pool (2.5 or less). This is a significant reason why many companies forego the development of certain functional groups early on. It often appears as if the development of the Quality organization is a functional group that seems to be addressed as a lesser priority.

Quality Management - First who… Someone who knows what and how!

A company, any company, only succeeds when it creates the capability (or capabilities) to make that happen through the work it does to deliver a product and/or service that is offered to the market. It is self-evident that a company only succeeds when its work processes are capable of creating the results that matter to the business.

 The pathway to succeed is actually realized through the development of individual capabilities that are defined by the business processes those capabilities are comprised of. Therefore, a company can only succeed when the work done through the business processes are well designed, defined, proven to work, and implemented to be consistently executed by skilled, trained, and competent people to provide the results that matter to the organization.

A Fractional QM from Mgmt-Ctrl, Inc. will utilize the PQM plan that enables a company to:

  • identify and define the necessary capabilities, based upon the business needs.
  • identify and define the business processes that are required of each capability.
  • create the standard work that defines each business process.
  • prepare people to execute those business processes to create the results that matter to the organization.
  • measure the results obtained from the execution of each business process.
  • target constraint for business process improvement to create bottom-line value, from better results.

The Quality Management function will thereafter be capable of sustaining the ‘quality’ of the capabilities necessary to create the results that matter to the Enterprise.