Operational Excellence

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Operational Excellence

A company, any company, only succeeds in achieving a state of operational excellence when it creates the capability (or capabilities) to properly establish and manage the work that is necessary to create and deliver products and/or services to the market.

All work is process. – W. Edwards Deming

The pathway to succeed can only be realized through the development of individual capabilities, defined by the business processes of which those capabilities are composed/comprised of.

Therefore, a company can only achieve its mission, regardless of whatever that mission is, when the work done through the enabling business processes is well designed, defined, proven to work, and implemented to be consistently executed by skilled, trained, and competent people to provide the results that matter to the organization.

It is self-evident that a company only succeeds when its work processes create the results that matter, resultant from a leadership team that has responsibly developed those business processes for efficacy and efficiency and has management control over them

What we should then see are companies that:

  1. identify and define the capabilities they need to realize their mission.
  2. identify and define effective business processes that are required to enable each capability that is required for the success of the business.
  3. create the standard work documentation that defines the enabling business processes.
  4. prepare their people to execute those business processes to efficiently create the results that matter to the organization.
  5. measure the results obtained from the execution of each business process.
  6. target constraint for business process improvement to create ‘bottom-line’ value and ROI, from improved efficacy and efficiency… The results that truly matter!

It does not matter what stage a company is in, or what industry, or what products and/or services they deliver, every company has an opportunity to responsibly create and maintain the control over the ‘quality’ of their business operations, as is described above.

A strategic approach to the management of operational ‘quality’ will ensure sustained success in regard to the ongoing capability of the Enterprise to deliver effective and efficient results from their operational execution, in support the Mission of the organization, and necessary for the eventual realization and attainment of the Vision (future) of the Enterprise.

The Predictive Quality Management (PQM) framework was developed to provide a structured approach to ensure the capability to professionally develop and manage the ‘quality’ of the business processes that are essential to fulfilling the mission of the organization in pursuit of attaining the vision of the future of the Enterprise. Nothing of value happens by chance and/or without planning and effort.