
quality defined

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What is quality? The word quality has so many meanings and interpretations to different people. David Crosby (Quality is Free) states: Quality is conformance to carefully thought-out requirements.

The term ‘quality’ is defined herein as an inherent or distinguishing characteristic(s) of a product or service that meets an internal and/or external Stakeholder’s value system.

It is widely understood and accepted that the capability for a ‘quality’ outcome is created with intention, it won’t just happen on accident, or automagically. The aspect of managing the ‘quality’ is written with a capital "Q", such as Quality Management, referring to the process of ensuring that a product or service that has the distinguishing characteristic(s) that meet stakeholder needs.

Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.”                                                                                                                                                                         - origin unknown 

It is critical that ‘quality’ is built into the Enterprise capabilities that are crucial for the fulfillment of the Mission of the Enterprise because ‘quality’ is a proven creator of sustained competitive advantage and market value.

Businesses must strategically create both proactive and reactive Quality Management infrastructure to effectively and efficiently sustain and/or improve business performance as a ‘quality’ outcome. The capability to predictably manage ‘quality’ requires a system that can…

Plan the work… Do the work… Check the results… Act to improve the constraint.

Business processes must be developed (plan) and organizationally staffed (do) to be executed in a way that enables each functional group to satisfy the ‘quality’ objectives that they are accountable for. Business processes results must be verified (check) to identify emerging issues and organizational constraint such that the organization can manage (act) those things that would inhibit the results that are required for organizational success.

The Predictive Quality Management (PQM) solution provides Enterprise ‘value’ through the capability to ensure and manage the ‘quality’ of the Quality System, which exists to ensure the operational ‘quality’ of the business processes utilized within the Enterprise.