Services Offered 

Mgmt-Ctrl, Inc. provides services that enable your OpEx to be professionally managed, for sustained operational efficiency, to ensure the ongoing and sustained success of your business.

The Predictive Quality Management (PQM) solution is focused upon reducing operational inefficiencies to improve operating profit and reducing operational expense.

Operating Profit = OpRev – OpEx

Our services are delivered in association with the Predictive Quality Management (PQM) framework that targets operational inefficiencies in business processes, enabling the organizations business capabilities to predictably fulfill the Mission of the Enterprise. We offer:

  • Knowledge associated with the PQM solution framework, found at
    • Information associated with the PQM solution framework.
    • Toolsets associated with the PQM solution framework.
    • Coursework associated with the PQM solution framework.
    • Coaching associated with the PQM solution framework.
  • Resources, as needed, for:
    • Program leadership for transformational change.
    • Project execution to fix emerging issues and improve targeted constraint.
    • Change management to manage employee engagement.
    • Fractional Leadership for functional group management.
    • Technical resources, such as Engineering and Manufacturing professionals.
  • Program support in the form of:
    • Enterprise transformation, utilizing and implementing the PQM framework.
    • Targeted transformation, utilizing and implementing the PQM framework.
    • Workforce training & competence management.
    • Analytics - measurement, monitoring, reporting, and review of results.
    • Program Management Office (PMO)
  • Ongoing support as a strategic partner* in the execution of specific business processes:
    • Training & Competence Management.
    • Documentation Control
    • Business Process Risk Management
    • Auditing services (internal and 3rd party)
    • Analytics - Measurement, monitoring, reporting, and review of results.
    • Program Management Office (PMO)
      • Project Management (fix or improve)

* Modern Operational models utilize strategic partnerships help Enterprise leaders to focus on the expertise and skills associated with their core business capabilities. Establishing strategic partnerships helps companies gain additional expertise or skills and addresses areas in which the business may be lacking. The collaborative nature of partnerships can help increase the overall value of your company in conjunction with the Predictive Quality Management (PQM) ‘quality’ management solution. A strategic partnership with Mgmt-Ctrl, Inc. will create/form an extension of your team so your employees can focus on what they do best, and we’ll take care of the rest.

         The Information  below supports the services content above.

PQM and Operational Performance

Predictive Quality Management (PQM) is a strategic framework, providing a structured approach to reimagine and/or refresh your existing business processes, implement, and manage the ‘quality’ of those business processes that support and enable the capability to fulfill the mission of the Enterprise. However, PQM itself is not the game… PQM is the ‘ante’ * to enter the and play well in the game of business.

*Note: The term ‘Ante’ is a poker term used to indicate the initial bet that allows a player to enter the game. The contextual use of this term emanated from a life sciences professionals’ (John Watkins, retired) characterization of ‘quality’.

 Achieving success in the ‘game’ of business stems from a workforce that efficiently executes the work of the Enterprise by transforming their time ($$$) into effectively obtaining the results that matter. Operational Efficiency can be predictably achieved with the Predictive Quality Management (PQM) solution that enables management control over operational ‘quality’, for a net positive affect upon Operational Expense.

“A system must have an aim.  A system must create something of value, in other words results.”  – W. Edwards Deming

The ‘quality’ of that ecosystem of business processes, supporting and enabling the capability to fulfill the mission of the Enterprise, must be properly built, executed, managed, and improved for sustainable results and scalability, one business process at a time as in the PQM model for PQM, shown below.

Einstein’s Edict: “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.” 

The holistic PQM Plan-Do-Check-Act approach provides a focused and manageable approach to consistently enable, sustain, and improve the ‘quality’ of your business operations, profitably.

Responsible leadership ensures that the work of the Enterprise is well planned and that the people who do that work are skilled, trained, and competent to execute that work, as planned.

Accountable leadership ensures that the results of the work done on behalf of the Enterprise has the necessary ‘management control’ such that it can be measured, monitored, reported, and reviewed to facilitate any necessary improvement over the results that matter to the stakeholders of the Enterprise.

It is our mission to support the management of operational ‘quality’, through the provision of the Predictive Quality Management (PQM) solution, providing an extraordinary level of control over sustained and scalable business operations.

Business Operations and Capabilities

Business operations must be capable of delivering the products and/or services of the business. 

Business capabilities are the activities an organization carries out, or need to be able to carry out, to conduct its business. For sake of simplicity, let’s divide business capabilities into two categories: 1) Core Capabilities, and 2) Support Capabilities. A business capability is defined herein as an ability for a business to accomplish something as a result of its operational structure. A more formal definition is as follows: “A business capability is a particular ability or capacity that a business may possess or exchange to achieve a specific purpose or outcome.” [2]

Vertical integration is a business strategy in which a company controls multiple stages of their business operations, minimizing or eliminating the need for outside entities.

Business operations are typically always vertically integrated at ‘start-up’, by necessity, and business leaders readily develop tactical partners without hesitation as a means to operate and scale. Over time and with growth, and for various reasons, business leaders begin to take control over the most important aspects of their business operations and eliminate the need/risk to rely upon those outside entities that had supported them at ‘start-up’ by developing the capability of the Enterprise to do what those tactical ‘start-up’ partners were able to previously provide for them.

Additionally, when a company can circumvent/replace their ‘start-up’ suppliers, it can also create certain ‘economies of scale’ because those suppliers were able to dictate the terms, pricing, etc. However, it must be understood that there there is also an internal significant cost to vertical integration that comes in the form of high costs associated with acquiring and managing internal resources, less flexibility, and loss of organizational focus on those capabilities that are ‘core’ to the success of the business.

Core Capabilities: An organization exists to provide products or services to its customers. Its primary operations are made up of one or more value chains that create those products and services. The capabilities that underpin those value chains are defined as its core capabilities. In effect, they are the primary reason the organization exists.

Supporting Capabilities: An organization can’t just exist for its customers; it also needs the ability to run itself utilizing what are considered to be the organization’s supporting capabilities.

This designation of capabilities enables business leaders to understand how financial investment in different business capabilities drives different outcomes for the various stakeholders of the organization.

Revenue and Finance

In the world of business, performance is the name of the game… Performance for results that matters to the business: Effective Process + Efficient Execution = Performance.

Revenue is the total amount of income that a company generates from the sale of goods and services. It refers to the sum generated before deducting any expenses, such as those involved in running the business. Gross Profit is often called the ‘top line’ revenue because it’s located at the top of an income statement. When a company is said to have “top-line growth,” it means the company’s revenue, the money it’s taking in is growing. Gross Profit, however, may also include income generated from investments, etc.

Operating Revenue (OpRev) is the sales revenue that a company generates from the sale of its products and services, attributed to the company's core business operations.

An Operating Expense (OpEx) is an expense that a business incurs through its normal business operations.

Operating Profit (OP) is of utmost importance as it is a key indicator of profitability. If you’re spending more money to operate your business than you’re bringing in, then you need to make a change to increase your operating profit. Operating profit is a company’s earnings after deducting operating expenses and Cost of Goods Sold (COGS). It’s also known as EBIT (Earnings Before Interest and Taxes). Note: EBITA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes and Amortization).

Operating Profit = OpRev – OpEx

Operating Profit is necessary to calculate Gross Profit.

Gross Profit (GP) is the retained revenue after incurring the total cost it takes to produce and sell the products or services (COGS). Gross Profit doesn’t account for your operational expenses, while operating profit does.


[1] A Business-Oriented Foundation for Service Orientation, Ulrich Homann, White Paper, February 2006, published by Microsoft, February 2006